| Dietitian and Health Coach |
Now Available FOR
Virtual Nutrition & Health Coaching
hi there!
I am so grateful you made it here! I am Julia Kucherich, your personalized registered dietitian (RD), health coach, and accountability partner.
Being here shows that you are ready to make a big change in your life, and I am ready to work with you as your nutrition expert and coach.
While a previous two-time USA Olympic Trial athlete, my coach played an integral part in my success. Now, I want to play an integral part in YOUR success by helping you achieve a diet-free, stress-free, healthy lifestyle.

How I Can Help You
â– Weight management (under or overweight)
â– Meal planning assistance
â– Overall wellbeing
â– Weight management (under or overweight)
â– Picky eating
â– Infant feeding (breastfeeding and formula support)
â– Enteral nutrition

get in touch